Oachkatzlschwoaf: First Place (University)

We are team Oachkatzlschwoaf from Germany, consisting of three first year university students: Erik Sünderhauf (Technical University Munich), Max Schneider and Jonathan Gräfe (both Technical University Dresden). We first met at our national physics olympiad and later participated in a few other (individual and team) competitions. While Max and Jonathan were part of the German team for IPhO and IOAA 2019, Erik competed in IOI 2018 and 2019. OPhO was a great experience for us as there are not many physics competions for university students, so it was pretty cool to solve some tricky olympiad problems again.
Everything is Relative: First Place (High School)

We are a group of students of Disha Delphi Public School and all of three of us have a knack of Physics. With the cancellation of Olympiads worldwide, OPhO came as a great opportunity for all sorts of Physics Enthusiasts. The first round was quite nice in terms of the both the quantity and quality of problems and the leaderboard just spiced up the competition aspect of the Olympiad. The Invitational Round had very difficult problems, some even tougher than International Olympiad problems and this made the solving experience enjoyable. The experience of team work and collaboration, even while not being able to meet, was amazing and we even pulled a memorable all-nighter solving the problems.
d_s: Second Place (High School)

I’m Daniel Sun, and I’m from Bellevue, Washington (a suburb of Seattle). Working on OPhO during the competition windows, the days all blended together as the hours flew by. It was tough, demanding, and exhausting, but altogether satisfying and engaging. When I’m not working on physics, I enjoy learning about deep learning, playing flute, and watching random YouTube videos.
PHYSICS_GENIUSES: Third Place (High School)

We were delighted to participate in OPHO, as we got an opportunity to solve novel physics problems. We are also glad that we participated in such a great international event. We are students from the Allen Career Institute Ahmedabad, India, and have spent much of our time tinkering physics problems with our mentor Mr. Sanjay Srivastava in the Institute. We started participating in various physics competitions with the guidance of our mentor and was among top 35 students of India to qualify for the third stage of selection process of IPhO. Pritesh Mehta's favourite topic in physics is Electric Current, while Ananth Kidambi and Parth Patel's favourite subjects are electrostatics and thermodynamics, respectively.